Useful Information

We constantly update this page, but if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, please feel free to get in touch with us – we will be more than happy to help.

Not sure what the difference between Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 symptoms?

Learn about COVID-19 and its variants at CDC website.

Learn if COVID19 vaccine is right for you?


As COVID-19 vaccines are authorized and then recommended for use in the United States, it is important to understand what is known about each vaccine. CDC website provides information on who is and is not recommended to receive each vaccine, myths and facts and what to expect after vaccination, as well as ingredients, safety, and effectiveness.

Vaccine Details




Currently, three vaccines are authorized and recommended to prevent COVID-19. Learn more about how each one works at CDC website

Hospitals and Pharmacies currently administering COVID-19 Vaccines

Here are just some few places like hospitals and locations, that our team will be contacting to schedule the vaccine appointment for you.

Hospitals and County vaccine locations

CHI St Lukes Health


Click Here

Harris County Public Health


Click Here

Houston Health Department


Click Here

Houston Methodist Hospital


Click Here

Memorial Hermann Health System


Click Here

UT-Health Houston


Click Here

Local Pharmacies